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Services //

Dr. Alicia Smith is committed to providing solutions to your unique needs and preferences, whether you are experiencing back pain, neck pain, headaches, and much more. A variety of services and techniques must be used to serve you best.


Full Spine Diversified/manual adjustment               

Low impact adjustments with an Activator and/or Omni Drop table


Webster’s Technique during pregnancy 

Omni Drop Table



Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)


Kinesio Tape

IASTM Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Massage Graston Scraping
Traction Roller Table Massage Table

Intersegmental Traction Table

Intersegmental traction tables gently help reestablish the normal ranges of the body’s spine. Intersegmental traction tables also help facilitate muscle relaxation and reduce muscle spasms. It has been shown that use of an intersegmental traction table greatly accelerates recovery progress from a back injury.

The intersegmental table operates by a dual roller moving up and down the muscles on either side of the spine.  The rolling contact is constant and works electronically.  Intersegmental traction tables are very relaxing and make for a great healing tool.

SOT Blocks


  • Low Back or Neck Pain

  • Tension Headaches or Migraines

  • Leg pain or Sciatica

  • Disc Herniations and Disc Bulges

  • Wrist Pain or Carpal Tunnel

  • Pain in the Joints

  • Knee, Foot & Ankle Pain

  • Hand and Arm Tingling

  • Shoulder, elbow and wrist pain

  • Arthritis

  • Allergies and Food Sensitivity

  • Chronic and radiating pain

  • Auto accident injuries

  • Sports injuries

  • Pregnancy Discomforts


HyperVolt Massage Gun
Rock Tape KT Tape

Pettibon Wobble Chair

As spinal discs age, they lose their internal fluid content and pressure if not rehabilitated on a daily basis.

Individuals with chronic pain find relief by including this portion of our sequential system of loading & unloading exercises that can be done in slow and easy pace to the patient’s pain tolerance. 

Uses & Benefits:

  • A daily regimen of 5-8 minutes full range of motion exercises are absolutely essential for daily metabolic interchange, nutrition intake and elimination of waste products in order to maintain healthy well-hydrated spinal discs, ligaments and tendons. (The Aging Lumbar Spine, Bernini P.M.D. et al. Saunders, 

Pettibon Cervical Traction

Reestablish motion while hydrating spinal discs using the patented Repetitive Cervical Traction used for loading and unloading exercises during spinal warm up.

Uses & Benefits:

  • Repetitive traction used during all reconstructive rehabilitation programs

  • Reestablished motion while hydrating spinal discs.

Cervical traction Pettibon
Therapeutic Pettibon
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